
Supaero Reinforcement Learning Initiative

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PhD opening - RL for tumor control

Applications are invited for a 3-years fully funded PhD student position in reinforcement learning for dynamic treatment regimes of tumoral micro-environments.

The position is a joint initiative between the labs of Vera Pancaldi (INSERM, biological modeling) and Emmanuel Rachelson (ISAE-SUPAERO, reinforcement learning), aiming to better understand and control the biological processes happening within and around cancerous tumors. It has been shown that these processes strongly influence the outcome of treatment. This project aims to design efficient treatment strategies accounting for the dynamics of such micro-environments.

Both labs are recognized for their expertise in their respective fields and we are excited to offer this interdisciplinary project opportunity. Strong interactions with researchers and students in both labs are expected and one other PhD project on a very close topic will start at the same time. Starting date is January 2024.

The two teams are located in Toulouse, one of the liveliest French cities, with a very large and active academic community. Please apply by writing to and

Vera Pancaldi’s lab: Emmanuel Rachelson’s lab: